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The Future of Titan Linux

Hi everyone. Many people have been wondering what the future holds for Titan Linux. Well, Titan Linux is my main project. It will return to active development eventually. I promise. Right now however, some events have happened in my life that make it impossible for me to give Titan the attention it needs. Long story short, My wife went into the hospital and needs surgery, I've also had two kidney surgeries in the last ten months. Both of my dogs passed away within two months of each other. My uncle was in the hospital recently, my mother received a cancer diagnosis, and for the last 4 years i have been living with a family member who has Alzheimer's/Dementia. He recently went into the hospital himself and unfortunately ended up passing away. Since i am living in his house, I'm suddenly forced to find a new place to live. Until i get back on my feet, i have no idea what's even going to happen me, much less my software projects. I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm just being transparent with my followers so you guys know what to expect from me. As you know i've always been a very candid and open person. I tell it like it is. So that's my current situation. I want Titan Linux to continue. This project has been one of my bigger accomplishments in my Linux career. But i've been dealing with a long series of events that have forced me to shift my priorities. If anyone out there wants to help maintain Titan Linux until i get things sorted out, feel free to contact me.

Titan Linux will return. I promise. But when that happens will be decided by current circumstances. So please be patient with me. I'm doing my best.

Thanks to everyone for all the support.

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